

Our body is a complex combination of bones, muscles, tissues, blood vessels, organs, etc. These take a beating with time and age owing to factors like injuries, diseases, or environmental changes.

Thus, a regular visit to a physiotherapist is recommended to restore the body’s smooth functioning and healthy lifestyle. You will find high quality physiotherapy services in AWCH. Physiotherapy service at AWCH offers comprehensive treatment by identifying the causes of movement and functioning defects and aiming to maximize the quality of life through application of vast knowledge and advanced technology by our qualified physiotherapists.

Get physiotherapy treatment in AWCH to treat various health problems such as workplace back problems, sports injuries, posture problems, bursitis, strains, arthritis, back pain and sprains. Our physiotherapy service in Dhaka can help people with the following health conditions:

Musculo-Skeletal/ Orthopedic Conditions

  1. Neck Pain & Back Pain (involving Spine)/Obesity
  2. Frozen Shoulder
  3. Osteoarthritis
  4. Rheumatoid Arthritis
  5. Ankylosing Spondylitis
  6. Soft tissue injury
  7. Joint Dislocation
  8. Sports injury

Other Services

Intensive Care Unit (ICU)/High Dependency Unit (HDU)

Our Intensive Care Unit (ICU) provides medical attention to adult patients who are in a serious condition, need assistance for breathing, or require continuous surveillance and care.

Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)

The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at AWCH is a state-of-the art facility that provides critical care and support to premature and full-term babies who require specialized medical attention.

Child Development Center (CDC)

AWCH has got a well-equipped Child Development Center to provide services for developmental disabilities and neurological impairments for the patients who require it as OPD basis.


AWCH has a wide and spacious emergency room that is fully functional round the clock.

Out Patient Department (OPD)

The OPD services of AWCH are open every day from 8 am to 8 pm throughout the year.