Institute of Woman and Child Health (IWCH)

Ashulia Women and Children Hospital (AWCH) has been granted permission to offer postgraduate diploma courses under the Institute of Woman and Child Health (IWCH). The institute will be offering two diploma courses, namely Diploma in Child Health (DCH) and Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (DGO), which will provide students with the necessary skills and knowledge to deliver quality healthcare services to women and children. The first batch of students has already begun their classes, and they are progressing well. The second batch of students has also been selected, and they will be joining the institute in July 2023. Each batch will consist of three DCH students and two DGO students, who will undergo rigorous training and gain practical experience in their respective fields. The Institute of Woman and Child Health is committed to providing a conducive learning environment and equipping students with the skills required to excel in their career.

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IWCH Raises Global Hygiene & Sanitation Awareness

07th February 2023